It has been quite some time since I last blogged. So much has happened. The company I work part-time for merged to form a new organisation called Community Action Suffolk and we have been undergoing a re-structure. The management team has been in place for a couple of months now and as of this week staff are all in place so we now start the exciting phase of stepping forward and making this seed of an organisation grow.
All this excitement in my work life has meant that I have not had much time for sewing, so this has been put on hold a bit.
One high light back in the spring was being commissioned to make an Edwardian skirt for a lady who was going to the Beamish Museum with her vintage bicycle group and needed an an Edwardian skirt she could cycle around the museum all day in. My skirt made the front cover of their cycle club magazine - The Veteran Cycle Club
And last week I filled an order for custom made petticoat for a lady who is having a Gold and Navy themed wedding.
I am hoping to get some more sewing done and create some new stock for my Etsy shop in the next few weeks - watch this space...